Our Vision
A chorus of women, singing a cappella in the barbershop style.
Our Mission Statement
Shades of Harmony is a competitive chorus who, through commitment and learning, strive for quality performances, while having fun, making friends and embracing the joy of singing.
Shades of Harmony is the London, Ontario chapter of Harmony, Inc., an international not-for-profit organization of women barbershop singers. The chorus has 22 members who sing four part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. Shades of Harmony was chartered in 1973 and celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2023! We enjoy sharing our music by performing throughout the community. Anne-Marie comes to us with many years of Barbershop experience. The future is bright for the Shades of Harmony! In addition to the chorus, some of the Shades of Harmony members have developed quartets. Please click on the link - the Quartet page -for more information. To arrange for the chorus or a quartet to sing at YOUR next event, contact our performance co-ordinator Shirley at 519-666-1974 or fill in the CONTACT US page |
The Shades of Harmony 2024-2025 Executive Committee
President - Kim Murray
Vice President -Jennifer Conlon
Treasurer - Laurie Walker
Executive Secretary -Brenda Seaton
Music Chair - Christine Tsao
Promotion & Social Media - Marea Olds
Ways and Means -Rose Pfeifer
Performance Coordinator - Shirley Carless
Social Convener - Amy Regan
Costume Chair - Linda Livingston
Vice President -Jennifer Conlon
Treasurer - Laurie Walker
Executive Secretary -Brenda Seaton
Music Chair - Christine Tsao
Promotion & Social Media - Marea Olds
Ways and Means -Rose Pfeifer
Performance Coordinator - Shirley Carless
Social Convener - Amy Regan
Costume Chair - Linda Livingston
Barbershop Music - A Brief Overview
Barbershop harmony is unaccompanied, four-part a cappella harmony. Although barbershop-style music is usually built on simple melodies and is relatively easy to sing, the a cappella style and the ear training necessary for independent part singing make it one of the most challenging and rewarding accomplishments of a vocal ensemble.
The voice parts in barbershop for women have different names and functions than they do in other choral styles (ie soprano-alto-contralto).
The voice parts in barbershop for women have different names and functions than they do in other choral styles (ie soprano-alto-contralto).
- LEAD is the melody, below the tenor harmony
- TENOR sings the highest note in the chord, sung consistently above the lead.
- BARITONE covers approximately the same range as lead. The baritone harmony notes cross the lead notes; primarily sung below and sometimes above, depending on where the melody is situated.
- BASS is the lowest note in the barbershop chord and supplies the harmonic foundation of the chord.